Mike Bost Endorsed by U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Murphysboro, IL—Today U.S. Rep. Mike Bost received the endorsement of the United States Chamber of Commerce, the nation’s largest business federation.

“In today’s economy, it is critical that Members of Congress provide strong support of free enterprise and leadership for policies that will return the United States to its full growth potential. We believe that Mike Bost’s re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives will help produce sustained economic growth, help create jobs, and get our country back on track.” Chamber President and CEO Thomas Donohue said in a letter of endorsement.

“I am proud my pro-jobs record has earned the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. I was elected to fight for jobs, grow the Southern Illinois economy, and keep taxes low for working families and small businesses. I will continue to fight for Illinois familes and limited government interference in our homes and businesses.” Bost said.

First elected in 2014, Mike Bost represents Illinois’ 12th Congressional District in the United States Congress. A retired U.S. Marine and former firefighter, Mike and his wife Tracy owned a business in their hometown of Murphysboro, IL for nearly 26-years.

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or evan@bostforcongress.com.


Mike Bost Launches Women for Bost Coalition

Murphysboro, IL— U.S. Rep. Mike Bost announced that later today he will be hosting a grassroots rally to unveil his 119-member Women for Bost coalition.  The rally will be held at Bost’s Fairview Heights campaign headquarters, and credentialed media is invited to attend.

“As a husband, father, and grandfather empowering women in our communities is an important issue that is very near to me,” said Bost. “March is Women’s History Month, and I couldn’t think of a better time to roll out this coalition of dedicated and principled women from across the 12th District.  I am honored to have their support and look forward to seeing this coalition grow even bigger in the months ahead.”

“Tracy and I have been blessed with the friendship of so many women who are leaders in business, in family, and in community. As their representative, I have worked hard to ensure that these grassroots ambassadors have every opportunity to achieve their dreams. If we can achieve that goal today, it could mean the world for our daughters and granddaughters.”

For a full list of the Women for Bost Coalition, please visit our website.

First elected in 2014, Mike Bost represents Illinois’ 12th Congressional District in the United States Congress. A retired U.S. Marine and former firefighter, Mike and his wife Tracy owned a business in their hometown of Murphysboro, IL for nearly 26-years.

For media inquiries, contact Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or evan@bostforcongress.com.


Women for Bost Coalition Members

The following is a list of the Women for Bost coalition members:

Benita Coffel- Franklin County
Ruth Ann Pollack-Franklin County
Joye Brockett-Franklin County
Susan Dawson- Franklin County
Beverly Needham- Franklin County
Connie McDonald- Franklin County
Angela Bond- Franklin County
Sheila Towers- Franklin County
Cheryl Broy- Franklin County
Isabelle Heyder- Franklin County
Emily Burke- Jackson County
Elaine Borgsmiller- Jackson County
Judy Bost- Jackson County
Frances Gilman- Jackson County
Carolyn Cano- Jackson County
Deb Pittman- Jackson County
Carol Klaine- Jackson County
Jodee Akers- Jackson County
Harriet Thomas- Jackson County
Brittany Grace- Jackson County
Vicki Ardrey- Jackson County
Catherine Jensen- Jackson
Cherie Dewulf- Jackson County
Tonya Knust- Jackson County
Donya Shackleton- Jackson County
Laurie Garrison- Jackson County
Judy Dailey- Jackson County
Lisa Cherry- Jackson County
Lori Wahaib- Jackson County
Gloria Johnson- Jackson County
Ruthie Beal- Jefferson County
Dessie Staley- Jefferson County
Sara Crews- Jefferson County
Evelyn Connor- Madison County
Jo Metzler- Madison County
Julie McVey- Madison County
Cheri Petrillo- Madison County
Nancy Schreder- Monroe County
Patricia Koppeis- Monroe County
Wilma Mehrtens- Monroe County
Edna Mueller- Monroe County
Barbara Jaimet- Perry County
Dorothy Vancil- Perry County
Margaret Pursell- Perry County
Dolores Alvis- Perry County
Sherry Dunn- Perry County
Jackie Weatherford- Perry County
Lois Heisner- Perry County
Mary Tyler- Perry County
Becky Mueller- Pulaski County
Judy Atherton- Pulaski County
Millie DeWitt- Pulaski County
Angela Crain- Randolph County
Sarah Wagner- Randolph County
Dawn Turner- Randolph County
Shirley McCormick- Randolph County
Nikki Malley- Randolph County
Carol Hamilton- Randolph County
Mary Threlkeld- Randolph County
Joyce Korobey- St. Clair County
Deb Barnes- St. Clair County
Sally Davy- St. Clair County
Doris Carthy- St. Clair County
Susan Widincamp- St. Clair County
Caryl Boch- St. Clair County
Margaret Boughman- St. Clair County
Pam Fowl- St. Clair County
Brenda Reed- St. Clair County
Mary Carroll- St. Clair County
Tonda VanHoose- St. Clair County
Janet Adams- St. Clair County
Shirley West- St. Clair County
Barb Viviano- St. Clair County
Carol Lunan- St. Clair County
Carol Schlosser- St. Clair County
CindiMcDonald- St. Clair County
KacieWood- St. Clair County
Ruth Dehne- St. Clair County
Cheryl Mathews- St. Clair County
Sharon Mehrtens- St. Clair County
Nancy Roach- St. Clair County
Dorothy Joshway- St. Clair County
Brandi Jewell- St. Clair County
Sharon Campbell- St. Clair County
Andrea Shipley- St. Clair County
Janet Ringkamp- St. Clair County
Judy Albo- St. Clair County
Danielle Hyatt- St. Clair County
Connie White- St. Clair County
Melanie Diel- St. Clair County
Lucy Skibinski- St. Clair County
Mary Thurman- St. Clair County
LaRene Kinkade- St. Clair County
Katie Gallagher Main- St. Clair County
Emily Kuzma- St. Clair County
Debra Armes- Union County
J. Louise Williams- Union County
Ashley Alley- Union County
Evelyn Dasenbrock- Union County
Beverly McKinney- Union County
Donna K Hackstadt- Washington County
Patsy Bowey- Williamson County
Shirley Parrish- Williamson County
Patti Howard- Williamson County
Kathi Neubert- Williamson County
Sue Pentecost- Williamson County
Evelyn Barber- Williamson County
Sue Hamilton- Williamson County
Jessica Holte- Williamson County
Kathy Dawson- Williamson County
Charlottee Connell- Williamson County
Sharon Pritchett- Williamson County
Pixie Vaughn- Williamson County
Claire Giles- Williamson County
Sharon Helleny- Williamson County
Maribeth Whitsell- Williamson County
Carolyn Harmon- Williamson County
Loretta Towle- Williamson County
Jessie Kibler- Williamson County

Bost Endorsed by State and Federal Fire Fighters Union

Murphysboro, IL—Today, U.S. Rep. Mike Bost received the endorsement of the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) as well as the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (AFFI).

“Congressman Mike Bost is a trusted ally to America’s first responders.  His first hand experience serves him well as an advocate in Congress, and the International Association of Fire Fighters is proud to endorse his re-election.  We need more leaders like Mike Bost in Washington.” Harold Schaitberger, General Presidet IAFF, said.

“The Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois is proud to endorse Congressman Mike Bost for re-election in Illinois’ 12th Congressional District Republican Primary. As a former fire fighter, Mike Bost understands the needs of our first responders.  We can count on Mike to put partisanship aside and stand up for Southern Illinois’ communities and put families first.” Pat Devaney, President AFFI, said.

“As a retired fire fighter, I know firsthand the dedication our first responders show to the communities they serve. I am honored to represent these selfless individuals in Washington, and I am humbled by their support.” Bost said.

First elected in 2014, Mike Bost represents Illinois’ 12th Congressional District in the United States Congress. A retired U.S. Marine and former firefighter, Mike and his wife Tracy own a business in their hometown of Murphysboro, IL.

For more information or to schedule an interview, call Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or email him at evan@bostforcongress.com.


Bost Endorsed by United Mine Workers Union

Murphysboro, IL—Today, U.S. Rep. Mike Bost received the endorsement of the National Council of Coal Miners Political Action Committee (COMPAC), the political arm of the United Mine Workers of America.

“We very much appreciate the support Congressman Bost has given both active and retired coal miners and their families, especially in such difficult times as the coal industry is experiencing today,” said UMWA International President Cecil E. Roberts.  “His strong voice in support of our members is an inspiration to us all.”

“My grandfather served as president of United Mine Workers Local 1457 nearly half a century ago; mining is in my blood,” said Bost.  “I understand the important work generations of Southern Illinois miners have put into powering our nation.  I am proud to have their support, and I will always fight for them in Washington.”

First elected in 2014, Mike Bost represents Illinois’ 12th Congressional District in the United States Congress. A retired U.S. Marine and former firefighter, Mike and his wife Tracy own a business in their hometown of Murphysboro, IL.

For more information or to schedule an interview, call Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or email him at evan@bostforcongress.com.


Mike Bost to Officially Launch Re-Election Bid: Will visit all 12 counties during kickoff.

Murphysboro, IL—Today, U.S. Rep. Mike Bost began his reelection campaign by launching a three day, 12 county tour of the 12th District.  Bost began the day with a rally at Lincoln-Douglas Square in Alton, and will meet with Veterans in Belleville, tour a local business in Steelville, and host a meet and greet in Waterloo before wrapping the day with an open house at his campaign headquarters in Fairview Heights.

“This three day tour is not just to launch our campaign, it’s a way to say thank you to the friends and supporters who have been with me every step of the way.,” Bost said.  “It’s truly been remarkable how our team has grown and I am proud of the relationships that have developed in all 12 counties.  I am going to keep working hard to earn the trust of Republicans, Democrats, and Independents across this district because that’s the only way I know.”

WHAT:  Bost for Congress Campaign Open House

WHEN:  Tuesday, February 16th @ 7pm CT

WHERE:  Campaign Headquarters, 1923 W US Hwy 50 in Fairview Heights

CONTACT:  For media inquiries, contact Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or evan@bostforcongress.com.


Mike Bost Files for Re-Election

Murphysboro, IL—Today, U.S. Rep. Mike Bost submitted 3,121 signatures to become a candidate for re-election in Illinois’ 12th Congressional District. Bost’s campaign, which received petitions from every county in the district, far exceeded the 746 needed to qualify as a candidate.

“I am humbled by the support I’ve received from those who want me to serve them again in Congress,” Bost said. “Over 3,000 individuals signed petitions from every county in the district. This overwhelming support reflects that Republicans, Democrats, and Independents believe in what we are doing to serve Southern Illinois.”

“I was elected to fight for jobs, support a strong national defense, and stand up for our way of life in Southern Illinois. I am very thankful to the many supporters willing to send me back to Washington to continue our mission—serving as their voice in Congress.”

First elected in 2014, Mike Bost represents Illinois’ 12th Congressional District in the United States Congress. A retired U.S. Marine and former firefighter, Mike and his wife Tracy own a business in their hometown of Murphysboro, IL.

For more information or to schedule an interview, contact Evan Handy at 405-570-8665 or evan@bostforcongress.com.
